Be Careful What You Wish For

Be Careful What You Wish For
Life was particularly hard for Merick. Being alone and invisible most of his life left him depressed and aching for a change. One dark and rainy night, he decides to do something about it.

Depressed, devil, deal, wish, change
Beiträge und Kommentare
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The story drew me in mediately, and kept my attention to the last.

Personally I really like your style of writing.

I feel sorry for Merick, but I understand how he came to be in the situation he found himself to be in.

Very well written.

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Maybe I should have gone through this story a bit better before posting....oh well.

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Interesting story. It reminded me of a Stephen King short I once read in "Everything's Eventual" I believe. Some grammatical issues and I didn't quite get the ending, but that's just me. Overall, a good read.

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My same comments apply here as in your other story. You use semi colons incorrectly. They should only be used for separate thoughts or phrases within a sentence. Dialogue should be followed by a comma, not a period.

As far as your plot is concerned, I am probably at fault here. I did not really understand what was going on. When you use the name "Merick" I thought of the Elephant Man, and could not get that out of my head. I... mehr anzeigen

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First off I have to say i love reading short stories , it always leaves the imagination to run wild and you definitely had that effect. However, a pet peeve i have and I have it because i do this all the time is simple words like got, something, thing etc. You used a couple of those. It might be better to substitute them for less common words. I hope i make sense. I'm not an expert at writing, but I know that would be an... mehr anzeigen

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