Javanese nuance | e-narrative, Roos Y Von: Nia SamsihonoKinanti, is a kind of singing in Javanese culture known as 'macapat' loaded with guidance and advice, love and affection.This book content of Kinanti rhyme in central and east Java.
But when we go to west Java, Kinanti means pupuh kinanti is one type of pupuh which consists of 6 stanzas. Each stanza of pupuh kinanti consists of 8 syllables, which must end in a vowel u-i-a-i-a-i respectively. In order to understand more about Pupuh Kinanti, here is an example of Pupuh Kinanti's work and its translation from Sunda lang to English:
Nu matak kaula bingung,
Andika ngeunah cing cing,
Teu gancang-gancang laporan,
Kaula banget teu ngarti,
Nepi ka aya karaman,
Jeung saha nu wani mingpin
That's why I'm confused.
Why are you so calm,
Not immediately report.
I don't understand at all,
Why is there a robber?
And who is leading?
Pupuh kinanti is also used to describe the state of people who are waiting, or are concerned about waiting. Sasmita changes to this pupuh are the words kanti, kakantén, nganti, ngantét, and manganti. Hope this information is helpful!
Kinanti in this book is in English. Photographing the marginal side of Javanese culture among our modern and global culture today
This may be useful to anyone who are learning Indonesian or Javanese culture....
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