Halo The Spartan Chronicals P. 1

Halo Von:
User: gamercgn
Halo The Spartan Chronicals P. 1
After Dr.Halsey's Spartan Project the Remaining Spartans jobs are played out until their final days...

But their is still hope Because Gamma Team has some of the best Spartans of them all Reach may have hope yet.

Halo, Spartan
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
marquee vor ca. 13 Jahren bearbeitet

if u like action and adventure read this book

Wichtiger Beitrag
yogibear57 vor ca. 13 Jahren bearbeitet

This story would have made much more sense if the author had at least the ability to use "Spellcheck". The use of that little tadpole looking thing,a comma, oops, just used 3 of them, makes a sentence readable.
Also spelling. There, their, and they`re and where, were and we`re are basic staples of good English and give a sentence meaning. Otherwise not a bad attempt.

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