The Dream Seers

Volume I Von:
The Dream Seers

Intergalactic conflict reaches the Milky Way when two alien factions battle near Earth. The talented, young veterinarian, Dr. Jason Maze, can somehow sense he and his family are in jeopardy. While the aliens secretly approach Earth, Jason must convince his wife, Xenia, trouble is forthcoming. Only when the alien creatures appear does Xenia believe Jason's warning. But what are the aliens' missions? Jason must quickly decide who is friend and who is foe. Xenia fears she and Jason will become prey or specimens in an alien zoo. Once the aliens reveal their intentions, Jason and Xenia make an alliance which will take them beyond the solar system. Regardless the outcome, human kind will have a new purpose in the universe.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The Dream Seers"
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