my first relation ship

natalie loren grace Von:
my first relation ship

In the last year I was so unhappy and alone I nearly killed myself. I started having severe panic attacks and when I look back it makes me angry and sad at the same time because he didn’t do anything to put me out of my misery. He had so many chances to save us. Just grow some balls and hold my hand against everyone, his family, my family, the world… but he didn’t. He was a coward and a weak man and I never saw it for what it was until it was too late. I wasted years of my life with the wrong guy. I can’t take that back. Now I am just trying desperately to move forward without him. It is so hard but I know I deserve somebody who will look after me and stand up for me. Someone who will speak up for me. Somebody who isn’t scared to live life and who loves me enough to actually do something about it, not just say it.


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