Chloe Diller

As if having to deal with her fiancé’s death isn't enough, Chloe also has to try and convince herself that when she still sees him, still talks to him, that it's just her mind’s way of trying to stay sane. But when she meets Cohen, she's convinced he can distract her and make things a little easier for her. Except that Cohen isn't the person she was expecting, and not only do things not get any easier for Chloe, but they also get far more complicated.

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A current and complex story of raw emotion peppered with love and confusion. Natalie Cuddington captures a roller coaster of unexpected feelings from a young woman who is faced with one of lifes critical dilemmas. Add an element of the supernatural to her predicament and you have a quandary that could only happen to Chloe Diller.
A great read!

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