Those that are silent...

SAMPLE VERSION (first 3 chapters) Von:
Those that are silent...
You are sitting at a café, it’s quiet. A late night storm howls outside and you’re glad for the mug clutched between your hands.
Beside you sits a hooded person who has just paused in talking. Rather impatiently, you glare at them as they take a long sip.
“Right,” they say slowly, lowering the mug. “Where was I? Oh yes.”
They smile and set their drink down. “I suppose what happens next starts in early July, the summer of 2014. It began with four boys, Kami, Satra, Ren and Terone. Like everything in life, their part began with a simple choice; in this case, helping out at a Mental Hospital. There they found a girl, Uta, and in helping her, they managed to help themselves. But with every word they spoke, they sentenced the normality of their lives to death.”

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Destiny's Joke"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Those that are silent...
SAMPLE VERSION (first 3 chapters)
Kamitra, Satra, Ren, Terone, Uta, Silent, Madness
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Hmm, this is something new, a Mental Hospital story?
I read some pages of it, it's different.....

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Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Doesn't Uta mean "song" in Japanese? Also, doesn't Kami mean either "wind", "God", or "paper"? XD

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Gelöschter User

i like it so far, not boring at all. finish reading tommorow... harry potter time!

2 Kommentare
High Overlord of Ramenkind

Thank you!! I'm glad you like it so far!

Gelöschter User

no prob. its the truth :)

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Gasp! I haven't left a comment in fooorrreeevvveerrr!
TTAS is still amazing.
Thought so.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I love Kami! I want to snuggle him so badly!!!!! X3

1 Kommentar
High Overlord of Ramenkind

"Thank you!" Kami chirps.
(I let people talk to my characters in the comments so if you have any questions, ask away)

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

I'm rereading this just for the hell o it. P:

And Ren in the beginning. xD

*hug* You have such a nice faaaace.

21 Kommentare | Ältere Kommentare anzeigen
Gelöschter User

Probably the only person to befriend Nivae AND Fletcher. :P

I don't know she puts up with them both.

She doesn't show up in chats too often. She's pretty shy.

High Overlord of Ramenkind

Shy people are cute.

Gelöschter User

"Mirany," Fletcher announces, "is not 'cute'. Mirany is adorable."

Wichtiger Beitrag

Whoa, when Uta talked my heart just skipped a beat!!!
But then that frickin grey guy had to come a spoil everything!!!
Off to read Human Testing now :) Oh and loved the deleted scene lol

1 Kommentar
High Overlord of Ramenkind

Yay!! I'm really glad you enjoyed this book!
Thank you!

Wichtiger Beitrag
Noble Ema, First Class, OCN

And so, it's finally over. It was so much fun reading. It seems like a lifetime ago when I first started reading. I was captivated from page 1 to page 249. Can't wait for Human Testing. XD

2 Kommentare
High Overlord of Ramenkind

Thank you so much!! I'm so happy that you stuck with this book till the end. I hope I don't disappoint in the next one.

Noble Ema, First Class, OCN

No, thank you for writing such a good book. I'm sure the next book will be just as good, if not better than TTAS. XD

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