Conversations That Sell

Collaborate with Buyers and Make Every Conversation Count Von:
Conversations That Sell
Today's buyers want more from sales professionals than a simple consultation...

What they're hungry for are meaningful, collaborative conversations built on mutual value and trust, that result in a Win3 ...where they, the seller, and the organization, achieve a winning outcome.

"Conversations That Sell" introduces sales professionals to the collaborative conversation skills they need to capture the buyer's attention and secure business.

Based on the author's five-step sales system, What's in It for Them (WIIFT) - Wait, Initiate, Investigate, Facilitate, Then Consolidate - the book shows readers how to:

- Prepare for an effective sales call
- Identify sales opportunities and the factors that drive buyers to act
- Adjust their approach to the type of buyer-Achievers, Commanders, Reflectors, and Expressers
- Make conversations flow easily
- Address problems, opportunities, wants, and needs
- Work through objections
- Advance and close sales; and more.

Packed with valuable tools and examples, salespeople in all industries will discover how to increase their short- and long-term sales success by keeping the focus of every conversation where it belongs-on the buyer.

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