Bangla Magic

First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. There is no substitute for getting a chance at a public university if you want to keep up with the current competition. But now getting a chance at university has become as difficult as getting a golden deer. I wrote this book to make this difficult path easier. Just as it is true that you have to study a lot to get a chance in university, it is also true that many students do not get a chance even after studying a lot. The main reason for this is that ‘students study a lot but do more unnecessary studies.’ It should be kept in mind that this is a university admission test, not a BCS Exam. So in order to do well in the university admission test, I have written books in the magic series only with what is needed in the university admission test. As this book (Bangla Magic) is smaller in size as compared to other books in the market, I think students will be able to finish the syllabus easily and get good results in the exam. No unnecessary topics are covered in the book, so no part of this book should be left out. The Bangla Magic book has easy presentation of many difficult subjects, especially difficult ones through rhyme which will help all the students to remember easily. Also all the information in the book has been updated according to the new Bengali grammar. This book presents all the changes that have taken place in the new Bengali grammar and the changes that should have taken place in answer to last year's question as a result of those changes are given in this book. And since the admission test topics are very similar to the job test, I think this book will also help you a lot in preparing for the flight test. I think my hard work and effort will be successful only if the students benefit from reading this book. Since no book other than the Qur'an alone is perfect, nor is it above human error, so if there is any error in the book despite reluctance, it will be forgiven.

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