Affiliate Marketing And How It Works?

What is Affiliate Marketing? Von:
User: NCEnesha
Affiliate Marketing And How It Works?

Affiliate marketing is a form of pay-for-performance marketing where an affiliate sells items on behalf of a merchant for an agreed rate or percentage of the sale.

It's a great form of advertising for ecommerce stores since funds are only exchanged after a sale is complete, but it works for all business models.

As long as you have a product to sell, or can find a product to promote, you can participate in affiliate marketing.

What sets this form of marketing apart is that it benefits everyone involved. On the customer side, they are able to find products they might not have found on their own and gain endorsement from someone they (presumably) trust.

When it comes to marketing, the merchant, and the network (more on that later), everyone enjoys a share of the sale.

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