With Friends Like These...

With Friends Like These...
What do Robinson Caruso and The Iron Chef have in common?

Not a thing.

Until now.

WINNER Make Your Connection CONTEST

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I really enjoyed this book. I loved it so much and was not expecting the ending. It was brilliant. Well done. Thanks

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Wichtiger Beitrag

I love this story. Ending took me by surprise. Well done, Barry, an enjoyable read. Pam

Wichtiger Beitrag

Lets just say... I was NOT expecting that ending. Sad, yet quite funny at the same time. Great stuff Barry.

Wichtiger Beitrag

this is a real novel compared to other of your books i have read.

Boris, i guess was the kind of frient who was really there for you when you needed him, and he gave his all for you.

Now that is a real friend!

Wichtiger Beitrag

Barry, I found your island tale very engaging and interesting. It held my attention throughout. I felt like I was on the island, with your protagonist and his tortoise friend. I also found a bit of irony in the ending. The friendly 'Boris' was hoping to make a meal out of his buddy, but instead he became a meal himself. Lol! Poor little guy! This engrossing story definitely has my vote.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Well, Barry, it's obvious that you simply dredged up another true story from your past and tweaked it a bit... when are you going to come up with something original?
Okay, ya hooked me again. This was simply fabulous, had me laughing all the way, as usual. Great "work."

Wichtiger Beitrag
Carol Wills

I'm still laughing as I write...oh where does your mind go to think up such stuff.

Carol x

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