for a friend

for a friend
So many times we are retold the story of "how it all began."

Too many re-boots.

Too many strange tangents.

Good stories deserve good endings.

The end, Hero, friendship
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Wichtiger Beitrag

Once again, your writing has resonated with me on a personal level. In 2012 I lost several people. I was close to 3 of them.

I especially loved your ending and your description. After I read the book itself, I think I understood what you meant by "too many re-boots". It's great that you decided to take this approach to writing about this friend. It adds so much depth to how you wrote about this person.
Once again, an amazing book.

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It's sad to lose anyone but if that person is also a hero who saves lives, it's worse. As usual great writing.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I can't say much without giving too much away and I think everyone should read it without spoilers. But I will say that the cover was the clincher. Your writing seems to get better and better. I'm wowed.

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Gelöschter User

I don't feel like I know the story well enough to fully appreciate this work... but nonetheless it is well-written and poignant; Jimmy's thoughts are the sorts of thoughts that one would have after losing a close friend. :)

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