Maybe next year, maybe the year after that... things are going to become marvelous.

Perhaps a bit too marvelous.


Beiträge und Kommentare
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Gelöschter User

A great end, Barry, it never happened but the top scientists have vanished, real Twilght zone

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Gelöschter User

Great going Barry, a lovely book to read.
Love they way you went against Starbucks, I used to go there as well, until I faound out, they did not send coffee to the troops in the Gulf.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I was entirely spellbound. Pulled in immediately, especially since you mentioned Starbucks! LOL Loved the humor, the plot twist, the mysterious ending. Perfect, wonderfully written short story! Robynn

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You have written a very interesting story about ants.

Wow, I could just see this coming to life in a movie. What an imagination you have my friend. :)

Excellent writing!

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I think the little bugger inside that pad ate the last of the scientists. Ants are truly industrious little guys (like bees), and if anyone could draw me in and make me suspend disbelief and envision those generations of ants working away on the impossible bridge, it's you.

Very entertaining and extremely well written.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Now I really want to know who Dorylus is! LOVED it! Barry, this is fantastic. Mystical in a very practical, edge-of-your-seat, dying-to-know-more kinda way. :)

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Carol Wills

You never cease to amaze me Barry. Another excellent story from the far out mind of Barry to add to my collection. Well done. PM’d you.

Carol x

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brain that thinks up these lovely things must be slightly askew but we are glad for that. You delight reader after reader with your stories.

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Paper Planes

I love the way you write, Barry, I really do. And I liked the fact that a girl named Beth was running the coffee shop! ^-^

This was a gem of a story :)

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