Elster'S Folly (Of -2)
Von: Mrs. Henry Wood
On This Day, Thursday, The Inquest Was Held. Most Of The Gay Crowd
Staying At Hartledon Had Taken Flight; Mr. Carteret, And One Or Two More,
Whose Testimony Might Be Wished For, Remaining. The Coroner And Jury
Assembled In The Afternoon, In a Large Boarded Apartment Called The
Steward'S Room. Lord Hartledon Was Present With Dr. Ashton And Other
Friends: They Were Naturally Anxious To Hear The Evidence That Could Be
Collected, And Gather Any Light That Might Be Thrown Upon The Accident.
Staying At Hartledon Had Taken Flight; Mr. Carteret, And One Or Two More,
Whose Testimony Might Be Wished For, Remaining. The Coroner And Jury
Assembled In The Afternoon, In a Large Boarded Apartment Called The
Steward'S Room. Lord Hartledon Was Present With Dr. Ashton And Other
Friends: They Were Naturally Anxious To Hear The Evidence That Could Be
Collected, And Gather Any Light That Might Be Thrown Upon The Accident.
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