The Awkward Love Song of Abigail Archer

The Awkward Love Song of Abigail Archer
Abigail Archer lives a non-existent life. That is until Death arrives at her door with an interesting proposition...
He asks her to live.
But what will Abigail do when she realizes her only reason to live is Death itself?

And what will Death do when he realizes that in Abigail, he has found life?

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This story is not only finished, but from what I understood is being published. You can find her other stories on Wattpad, which btw are all great reads.

She has a great way with words which i find incredible.

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Please message me when you update it.It was trylu beautiful :) and the emotions and the scenes were so vivid it was as though I was just a spirit witnessing the scenes enfolding in front of me :)

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the narration was was like being there beside them.It was like watching a movie and seeing the story enfold in front of my very eyes. It was like listening to a beautiful distant song. Keep up the great work! :)

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This is amazing! I absolutely LOVE your description- you make it so easy to "see" the scene! Can't wait to read more of your stuff!!!

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