Book of Immortality

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Book of Immortality
Alexandre Conner Brosseau a 16 year old teenager who never seemed to fit in.
He lost his parents as a teenager and has nightmares of that night frequently
They said that his parents died in a fire but Conner remembers someone killing them. HE gets a letter by a mysterious stranger and decides to find out whether or not he is human

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Book of Eternal"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Book of Immortality
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S.P. Johnson Jr.

I like the premise, and you have a good voice to tell this kind of story.
The first fix you need to make is to separate some words. There's a few places where there are no spaces between several consecutive words.
Good direction, though.

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♥ ︀➪ WWW.DATE4FUQ.COM?flame24ish_1326682572.8697340488

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Its a good story, I think you missed a period somewhere and I felt there were a few holes in the story but dont get me wrong I enjoyed what you have wrote good story. I would want to keep reading


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