The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy# 3

Prying Eyes Von:
The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy# 3


 Sweet, young Julian has finally gotten what he was desperately searching for on the tough city streets. Now, a servant of the icy Victor Belmont he is given meals, clothes, and shelter under a breathtaking mansion. Though Julian wants to start fresh and enjoy being apart of Belmont's household, one unprecedented encounter between him and Victor turns things upside down making life at his new home and with his new employer anything but ordinary.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy#1
Broken Pride
0,99 US$
The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy#2
A Dream Come True
0,99 US$
The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy# 3
Prying Eyes
1,49 US$

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1,49 US$
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