The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy#2

A Dream Come True Von:
The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy#2

After a few hours in bed together Julian is shocked out of his mind when Victor Belmont offers him the work he's killing himself searching for everyday on the ruthless streets of Paris. A joke? He couldn't believe his ears but dared not question his good fortune with the man he could've sworn was the meanest and most devilish he had ever met. And Belmont assures the young man that he's dead serious about employing the young fellow within household.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy#1
Broken Pride
0,99 US$
The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy#2
A Dream Come True
0,99 US$
The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy# 3
Prying Eyes
1,49 US$

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