The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy#1

Broken Pride Von:
The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy#1



17th Century France

Julian suffers the harsh life as a young street urchin in Paris everyday which one afternoon led to him being falsely accused of pickpocketing. This is when he encountered the frosty, mean and conceited banker, Victor Belmont, a highstanding man with all empathy of an executioner. A fiery agrument soon ensues between the two males.`

For so long Julian saw fit to evade the city brothel while searching for honest work. But Belmont soon propositions him supposedly out of spite for the lowly homeless boy insulting him. Julian is utterly shocked and confused because for the life of him he can't imagine why a man of prestige like Belmont would ever desire him, even for just a moment and yet he does...

Victor juggles his wealth and arrogance over Julian's head as a means of masking his raw fascination and attraction once laying eyes on Julian.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy#1
Broken Pride
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The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy#2
A Dream Come True
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The Gentleman and the Gutter Boy# 3
Prying Eyes
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