Drug Life

User: rayray899
Drug Life
Alani Ramirez and twin borther AJ Ramirez we're only 12 when they witnessed their mother being raped and brutally murdered. They never told anyone about this because,well they aren't snitches. Now they are 17 years old and getting ready to take over the 'Family buisness'but the man or should I say bastard who murdered their mom is trying to murder their father. And if things couldn't get any worse Alani is falling in love with his son and AJ is falling in love with his daughter. READ AND FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS IN DRUG LIFE!

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i wonder what will happen if they father found out?

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i just finnished it you should really update it :) i love the part about singing the motto, i started singing along with the book. haha :)

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Thank you soooo much I knew I liked it but I didn't know if other people would like it.

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I just couldn't help myself but I uploaded chapter 2 it's short and sorry but its a cliffhanger

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I uploaded the 1st chapter! tan emocionada! That means So excited in spanish! Sorry I'm so excited I'm using my native tounge! I'm writing the second chapter now!

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