My Sucky Life

User: mike113
My Sucky Life
I'm having a pretty shitty life so far and one of my friends recommended that I start uploading my poetry on here. I haven't written much before and I know next to nothing about poetry so I just decided to write what I felt. I might add more later if people like this

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( ︀^_^ ︀) ➜ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?_ebook-mike-houtz-my-sucky-life

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I like it very much coz It reminds me of the stories I am writing and the only reason I am writing them is because how I feel I love your poems they are really good I hope you keep them going

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( ︀^_^ ︀) ➜ WWW.INTIMCONTACT.COM?mike113_1360987578.5790119171

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Be happy Mike don't get down on yourself.........and i love the book

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Thats good,dark,and deep, uhh.... I also like the pic where the person is hanging in his room i guess.

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"Roses are black, flowers are gray, until the day the sun shines into the darkened room, and an old skin is shed." ~Juliana

I love you Mike. Haha be happy forever, no matter what <3

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otay :3
I love you too Angel <3

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Poetry, Ive learned, is a writing style that is up to interpretation. There are many different ways to write a novel or a short story, but for the most part they follow the same plot. Poetry on the other hand is an amazing writing style that anyone can take and make their own. This is what you have done. I believe you can't compare two different poems; therefore, there are no "better" poems. I loved how you told your story... mehr anzeigen

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thanks :)


No prob hun! The dark side of writing is just too enjoyable to pass up. Especially for the insane like myself.^-^


haha sanity is over rated


Totally, the insane have way more fun.

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haha i appreciate your compliment but i still don't think im that good :P

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Everyone has a dark side. Some people embrace it more than others, some just can't figure it out. It draws you to it, so I embraced it little by little. I cry, bleed, scream, sing, laugh. And I can never be more happier. I wear black head to toe, I listen to screamo, have dark fantisies, but I somehow put a smile on my face and love everyone and eveything around me.
You're right. We don't ask for anything, only to be remembered.

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