The Organ Transplant

User: mkidd6
The Organ Transplant
Up to this point, young Shannon’s life has been a struggle. Her weak heart causes her to spend countless days viewing life from the wrong side of a hospital room window. When she finally finds love, it renews her strength and determination, but will she find a suitable donor in time to make it to her own wedding?

short story, love, romance
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

This is one of those stories that leave you unable to decide if you what to laugh or cry. Very emotional. Well written.

1 Kommentar
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Wichtiger Beitrag

Oh my goodness, this was beautiful. Transplants always strike a chord with me since a liver transplant was what saved my second nephew's life before he even turned a year old.
I'm also impressed by how you managed to capture such a powerful story into only 8 pages.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I really enjoyed this story. I feel sad for the husband, but at least she can still feel close to him, in someway. I would have definitely voted for this story if I had gotten a chance to, earlier. I am soory that I miised my chance to vote for this story. You write really well. :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Oh my. At first I thought that its the driver's heart she now had. What a twist of fate. Good story. Voted

Wichtiger Beitrag

Forgive me if I don't read this for the 5th or 6th time. I'm sure it's still as great as it was the day I left my review.

Good luck, Michelle

Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

Those that have already commented are held in very high regard to me personally and flat - out, they nailed it.

A very strong entry and congrats! A true pleasure to read.

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