A Brand New Day

User: mkidd6
A Brand New Day
What do you do when the past is too painful to face? Little Martin discovers there is more to the world than the pain he has suffered.

short story, love
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This was a sweet and touching story, and the cover is cute, but you might want to change it anyway if you are eventually going to put it this book up for sale. The cover is quite blurry. Other than that, a very sweet story. I am happy that he is safe now.

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I read this again hopimg that I was mistaken when I first read it and thought it was better than mine.

No such luck... it's still way better.

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I liked this. It was descriptive and well written, and the voice was well done. Thanks for the quick little read!

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J.C. Laird

Well written, well edited and packs a punch.

But I have a BIG complaint. You are too good to limit yourself to flash fiction.

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This story hits home for me. With three adopted children coming from abusive backgrounds, well...just brings a tear to my eye. But for them, as well as your character, it IS a brand new day. Very well written and to the point.

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“Martin’s terror-filled eyes darted in the darkness, desperate for signs of help.”

When I read a story or a book, I’m immediately struck when an author exhibits a full comprehension of the English language. Small giveaways like terror-stricken, and a comma correctly placed. Small but important things because I know whatever the story might be about, it will at least read well.

A Brand New Day is too short. That’s my only... mehr anzeigen

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I knew right away where this was going. I knew you were gonna throw a twist but I was ready for it. Way ahead of you.

The end slapped the smugness right off my face, I hate when that happens!

The story touches, warms and then tears at the readers heart brilliantly.

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A very nice and tender story that unfortunately can be all too true in the world today.

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