
A fantasy short story.

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I gotta give you credit here. You had your protagonist set out to do something heroic, and yet you managed to make me question if the heroic deed was the right thing to do with how the dragon responded. However, you did it in a way that actually seemed brilliant. Really nice use of the characters' perspectives on things. This was a great story!

Wichtiger Beitrag

When I read a book I really dont want to read it but rather I wish to live it. You made me live the story.
I felt the wind, saw the dragon and ever thing else.
NICE job. Do more!!

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I am new to the website and was discouraged reading the stories I found. Then I found Traditions. There are people here with talent and knowledge of how to write a story. What a relief. I am hoping I will find some more. I really enjoyed this story and found it well written. I was hooked immediately. Good work.

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