The Callow Violinist And Her Prime Lover

The Callow Violinist  And Her Prime  Lover

This is a short portion of my awaiting book composed of Alex , a teen girl of Mr. Douglas who finds
herself emotionally harassed by Travis, of whom she came to know in a party of
one of her schoolmates. Her best friend Shirley notices her friend has got
something bothering her and tries hard to get the truth of it using all the open
chances present. While at their new residence, Alex meets Steve wondrously,
who happen to be a nephew of her neighbor Miss Helen, and the two becomes
fond to each other. Thrilled by Alex’s gift in violin, Mr. Smith who is an instructor
of a renowned theatre starts coaching her alongside Stephen and Laura, and
through their frabjous efforts they qualify for the participation in a contest held
at heir theatre, which at the end leaves enmity amongst them.
After a close watch at her, Mr. Douglas realizes her daughter is straying and
he calls off of her relating with Steve. Despite the curfew mounted, Alex tries
hard of how to get in touch with her swain for she believes she can’t live
for a second without him. Afterwards, Alex finds herself at the crossroad when
she learns that her dad is dating Miss Helen, who is the aunt of her lover.

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