You, Me, and Your Three (full version)

User: mmgraves
You, Me, and Your Three (full version)
When Jack married Emma, he knew what he was doing. She had three kids, she was older than him by nine years, and she had a psycho ex-husband. Nothing too out of the ordinary these days and certainly nothing he couldn't deal with. He had seen the face of crazy and he figured out how to handle it. The world is weird anyway and "normal" is an anachronism. But, it is only when you are living inside of a side show that you realize the humor in it is not as apparent without the proper distance from it.

If you have been married; If you have been in an abusive relationship; If you have gone through a divorce; If you have been re-married; If you have kids; If you have stepkids; If you have hired a contractor to build your home; If you have moved out of your first home after 20 years; If you have an alcoholic ex-spouse that vowed to kill you and teach your kids to hate you; If your kids have tried to throw away their lives in order to punish you; If you have been married to the most perfect person in the world; And, if you wouldn’t trade a minute if it, you have an idea what the first five years of marriage were like for Jack.

This is the story of the luckiest man alive and the first five years of his "normal" marriage, as told with the proper distance from it.

stepkids, marriage, crazy ex, humor
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