Indian Belly

User: mcastle
Indian Belly
I had been traveling for weeks and never seen the problem with the food in India. Personally I thought it was great. Even the meat and food from the rickshaws. What could go wrong? I had come to the conclusion my steady diet of Imodium had made me immune to anything Indian food could throw at me.

India, Travel, Sickness, Train, Comedy
Beiträge und Kommentare
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the indian food has the great advantage to be really well cooked and a lot spicy which is enough to protect your innards from any unwanted movements,while actually the kitchens of restaurants all over the world and the best cannot be described since there is no way to enter and see for yourself,while in the "dabas" afford you the possibility to see for yourself,and by the way immodium is a good complementary in any case,and... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

it seems tourists in India have a knack of picking the worst places to go to. not being rude...just an observation.

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