What I Lost That Day

The aftermath of Hurricane Sandy Von:
What I Lost That Day
There were many victims of Hurricane Sandy including pets and homeless animals on the streets. This is a true story in poetry form of a night that will never be forgotten.

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<3 ➮ ︀➥ www.date4fuq.com?_ebook-mia-tchoukour-what-i-lost-that-day

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Aw, such a touching poem!! Sandy was such an awful storm, as many people lost their lives, loved ones and homes... quite devastating!! I prayed for the survivor's strength through it all. God is still in control of all of it, this is his world and as strangely as this may sound, God brings us through things for a reason; but reading your poem I had much melancholy for your dog "Lacy" which coincidently had my last name!! And... mehr anzeigen

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<3 ➮ ︀➥ www.date4fuq.com?mia.tchoukour_1352806474.9158420563

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Gelöschter User

the loss of a beloved pet is sad,and the hurt palpable. Good poem about a tragic event.

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Oh how sad and tragic. Poor Lucy. This makes me want to cry which is what you want to do as a writer...evoke emotions. Good job.

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Gelöschter User

So sweet but so sad! I loved this!!

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Glynis Rankin

This was a beautiful sad poem that paid tribute to the love you had for you pet. I hope you find peace in your lost, animals are beloved friends and family members.

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I felt like crying when I read this. It is a terrifying, but a sweet story at the same time. It's is difficult to have to deal with the loss of a pet. I know what that is like. I have lost one of my cats to pancreatic cancer two years ago. I still miss her and always will. I loved the poem.

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I don't want to know if it's true or not. I am a firm believer that if the written word invokes an emotion it has done its job. This certainly did.

I only caught one error and I completely rolled over it because the content captivated me and the error became immaterial.

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Mia Tchoukour

for all the sweet comments and thank you sereni for the tips but I'm not sure if I fully understand. What does "start with meter" mean exactly?

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Your poem was very touching. I felt your fear and pain throughout. The loss of your loved Lacy, and under such horrible conditions was very sad.

When writing poetry if you start with meter you want to be able to follow through so your poem flows. I know when writing poetry this can be difficult at times, and I still experience trouble myself.

Here is an example: I prepared my place with blankets and food (you might want to... mehr anzeigen

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