Writing Prompt Responses

A Collection of Short Stories and OneShots Von:
User: melmmhs94
Writing Prompt Responses

A book I created to organise and post my responses to the prompts in my group, The Writing Prompt Center. Each prompt is different and the prompt is NOT included so its best experienced if you look up the prompts beforehand.

Due to the lack of consistency with the prompt topics, I can't give a summary on the individual chapters, but this book is the collection of those oneshots.

Beiträge und Kommentare
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Lorian Lilsiel

Good job writing that up! Tip though, in prompt one, instead of saying "Back then I thought you didn't deserved me," say it the other way around, "I didn't deserve you," until you read on that leaves the impression that HE thinks he's too good for HER, instead of her being to good for him.

5 Kommentare

oh crap! thanks so much! oh and thanks for reading it! as far as i know, your the first.
*check other notifications*
Wow! youve read almost everything! Thanks! Yeah, Im not done with Kvistr. I leave a note at the end of completed books, so if the notes absent then the book is a... mehr anzeigen

Lorian Lilsiel

No, I try and comment on more completed ones so that I have a better idea of what it is, but your off to a great start, looking forward to the rest!

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