Delilah and Riley

User: melmmhs94
Delilah and Riley
Delilah and Riley, betrothed since their births, have always known of their impending marriage. Upon meeting, the two, once full of hatred toward the other,slowly begin to fall in love. As the Great Howling approaches, the couple, not knowing the other feels only love instead of bitter hatred, strive to gain the others love as well as prove their own to themselves. But then a male from Delilah's birth pack kidnaps her and spirits her away where none can hope to find her. Riley, filled with rage, grows frantic when he recieves a note form the kidnapper, which outlined some demands, all of Delilah's possessions and Riley. Panicked to meet the deadline in the note, Riley moves heaven and earth to find Delilah, but can he bring both of them home?

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Wichtiger Beitrag

I think this book could make more money than dragon girl if you finished it. I really liked it.

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Wichtiger Beitrag

Please update... Good so far

1 Kommentar

im very glad you enjoyed it, and thanks so much for commenting! its been a long time since anyones commented on this one!
unfortunately, im not sure if i'll be continuing this one. ive got a lot on my plate right now, and i used to be a lot further along in this one because i was... mehr anzeigen

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Gelöschter User

If there are vampire love story, why not werewolf?
Best. Idea. EVER!!!! 100/10

2 Kommentare
Gelöschter User

Wait a second, didn't Delilah suppose to be kidnapped already? Or it's going to happen in the late story?


its going to happen later. yeah, i sucked at summaries when i did this one. I might change it, might not. I dunno what im doing with this one anymore. Im a bit preoccupied with another fanfic of mine. and thanks so much!! im very glad you liked it!!!

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Gelöschter User

Its a good book but please continue writing it sounds very interesting

2 Kommentare

im very glad you liked it!!
and i dunno if im gonna be able to. Ive been RPing this storyline with a friend, with plans to transpose the RP script into book format, but we stopped doing it and i didnt copy the messages down before Skype made them inaccesible. and i really dont... mehr anzeigen

Gelöschter User

Oh but its your story you can rp(which takes creativity) but you can't even try it your self. Well it still is a great book and I think a lot of people are hungry for more so I wish you luck.

Wichtiger Beitrag

Your book is really great.... I wish you would update it though!!!! It left of at a really inconvenient place....

2 Kommentare

Dragon Girl is finised. Net is Dragon princess, and I havent started working on that one yet. but im very glad you liked it, and thanks for the comment. do you have any constructive critism for me?


whoops. Just ntoiced this isnt Dragon Girl. Sorry! yeah, I had laned on continuing this book in RP fromat with a friend but kinda got sidetracked with the RP and frogot to copy the RP over to a word document and transcribe it into book format and now the messagesa re lost. but i... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

I love DR. I think you should keep working on it. It's has a really great story line that's keeps the reader turning the pages. If you keep using this amazing talent of your's and get a chance to finish these books, I'm sure you'r books will be a Hit. They're amazing. Looking forward to the next update! Good luck.

2 Kommentare

Thanks so much for commenting!
I'm glad you like it! It makes my day to hear that.
I'm working on finishing Kvistr (my Inheritance Cycle fanfic) and Dragon Girl first, but then I'll probably move on to this one.
I'm currently RPing this book with a friend, and I haven't saved... mehr anzeigen


Yeah, I did. Can't wait. Thanks!

Wichtiger Beitrag

i really like it please update or write a sequel to it

2 Kommentare

im really glad you liked it! I am writing when i can, but my laptops charging cord decided to die and i havent replaced it yet due to lack of funds. so, its hard for me to get access to a computer with enough time for me to get everything checked and with more than ten minutes... mehr anzeigen


thx i will friend u soon

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