Creative Writing: Riddles

User: melmmhs94
Creative Writing: Riddles
Usually for this series i only publish works of a unit. Well, Riddles aren't a unit in Creative Writing class and since i plan on writing a lot of them I figured I'd create a book just for Riddles I make up. Some of these may sound familiar so be careful of the words. I've designed two of them to be tricky since the wording from one and the answer to the other i used form a riddle in a book i read. And at the back of the book is the answers so you can check. Enjoy! and tell me how i did, okay?

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Creative Writing"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Creative Writing: Short Stories
A collection of short stories I write in my Creative Writing class
Creative Writing: Poems
A collection of poems I write in Creative Writing class
Creative Writing: Riddles
Beiträge und Kommentare
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The only one I could figure out on my own was the one about the dogs.

Very well done.

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