Silent Gratitude

The horror of silence Von:
Silent Gratitude
I had no reason to dislike silence or fear it, for those who fear it, they are most likely are running from themselves or the hurtful lessons of the past. I however, am not running away from either.

Short Story.

short story, horror, death
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you very much for the comment! You just made my day! And I'm so glad you grasped the concept, I really wasn't trying to make something overly gory but more of a sentimental and dark piece. The Zombies have always been a nice element for me. I'm seeing into making another short we shall see how that goes.

Thank you once again!

Wichtiger Beitrag
Carol Wills

This is a clever twist on an age old theme. I like the way you told the story without mentioning zombies.

To scream when faced with horror and pain is a fundamental need of the human psyche and the grandmothers understanding of this is profound. So she did what she did, with love; she knew how much worse the horror would have been not being able to scream when the pain hit.

Well done Meli.

Carol x

Wichtiger Beitrag

I love this story as it is a very similar style to how i write. It's surreal and metaphoric with intruige. Like my stories i write they may not be clear to completly understand but thats what i love. My perception of the story was the Grandmother was suffering from some pain either pyshical or emotional and she was unable to show it. The grand daughter was obviously struggling too and the things that happened were symbolic to... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag

Thank you so much for the wonderful comment guidedgal! Glad you liked it and thank you for giving it a chance :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

I don't usually read this type of graphic horror but it was so well written and I had to see it to its end. This nightmare really struck a deep chord in me from my own past. At least she was able to know that she was loved and protected. Some of us aren't that lucky! You know a book is well written when you are compelled to finish it despite the grahic horror! :)

Wichtiger Beitrag

Certainly a morbid tale. Did you dream it? I get the story, I don't understand why the neighbors were monsters. What made them monsters? Not a bad story, just leaves one asking the above question. Truly graphic in detail and moves quickly once the nightmare becomes reality. Kept me reading quickly which is what this type of story is supposed to do. I generally don't read this type of stuff, but I wanted to read something you... mehr anzeigen

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:O! left me speechless.that was .........ohsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!wow.

Wichtiger Beitrag

I am at a loss for words. Thank you everyone who has commented on it. It is more than I had ever hoped for. All I ever wanted was to entertain with this short story and I feel it has. I am beyond excited and happy. Thank you everyone!

Blessings to all readers, writers and reviewers!

-< -- @ Meli

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