Dreams Of Darkness

Dreams Of Darkness
A different kind of story that may put you on the edge of your seats.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User vor ca. 5 Jahren

Oakland, CA

Nothing new we have been here before, many a weeks he have left to go to his
personal property and mange his businesses on our dime (tax payers). Donald
Trump is still looking to hire a personal attorney to handle his major
problems with the Special Prosecutor Mueller.

With all that is going on in Donald Trump’s personal life, I wonder where is
the time to do what he was supposedly elected to perform. That may be the
... mehr anzeigen

Wichtiger Beitrag
lovinghearts vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

thank you for those kind words i appreicate it and will edit out and fix the grammmar

Wichtiger Beitrag
lazarus67 vor ca. 15 Jahren bearbeitet

Scary...but you need to work on your grammar.
You have potential...don'stop

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