Through Glacier Park

seeing America first with Howard Eaton Von:
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Through Glacier Park
_There are many to whom new places are only new pictures. But, after
much wandering, this thing I have learned, and I wish I had learned it
sooner: that travel is a matter, not only of seeing, but of doing._

_It is much more than that. It is a matter of new human contacts. It
is not of places, but of people. What are regions but the setting for
life? The desert, without its Arabs, is but the place that God forgot._

_To travel, then, is to do, not only to see. To travel best is to be of
the sportsmen of the road. To take a chance, and win; to feel the glow
of muscles too long unused; to sleep on the ground at night and find
it soft; to eat, not because it is time to eat, but because one's body
is clamoring for food; to drink where every stream and river is pure
and cold; to get close to the earth and see the stars--this is travel._

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