Life is Full of Sweet Spots: An Exploration of Joy

Life is Full of Sweet Spots: An Exploration of Joy
Joy is often thought of as one of life's most elusive and seemingly unreachable goals. But the real truth is that joy is everywhere--in our backyards, our hearts, and our souls. Life Is Full of Sweet Spots shares personal reflections, insight, and quotes to help us appreciate the exploration of joy as an unending process.

Including contributions from over forty artists and individuals from twenty states, Canada, and Australia, this surprising travel guide explores the niches and nuances of the earth, the sea and sky, of our bodies, minds, and souls. It offers ways to connect with our personal sweet spots and considers how their beauty and powers can make us hum, learn, love, or just simply be. While focusing on the ordinary as well as the remarkable moments in life, contributors share how each of them personally found relief, fulfillment, or simple contentment in life--and how the discovery of joy can be an everyday affair. More than a compilation of inspirational thoughts and reflections, it also provides a directory of links to ways and places in the world around us that will stretch our minds, spark our imaginations and open the doors of learning.

Life Is Full of Sweet Spot offers inspiration for anyone wishing to find simple ways to live a joy-filled life.

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