The Spectacle Man A Story of the Missing Bridge

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The Spectacle Man        A Story of the Missing Bridge

The spectacle is a central notion in the Situationist theory, developed by Guy Debord in his 1967 book, The Society of the Spectacle. In its limited sense, spectacle means the mass media, which are "its most glaring superficial manifestation."[1] Debord said that the society of the spectacle came to existence in the late 1920s.[2][3]

The critique of the spectacle is a development and application of Karl Marx's concept of fetishism of commodities, reification and alienation,[4] and the way it was reprised by György Lukács in 1923. In the society of the spectacle, the commodities rule the workers and the consumers instead of being ruled by them. The consumers are passive subjects that contemplate the reified spectacle.

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