sample Von:
Joanne and Marty were as different as day and night, but after becoming best friends they soon discoverd they both had the same dreams, to have a man to love and a best-selling book.

Marty grew up in a wealthy family, became rebellious and experimented with drugs. Joanne on the other hand was from a poor family with a drunken, abusive father. The fun begins when Joanne wins a large sum of money at the casino, the two go on an adventure that most of us only dream of.

Author Jessica Coulter Smith says about "Casino"

Looking for an enjoyable way to pass the time? Then pick up a copy of Casino ... It will make you laugh and cry as you journey with the women through their ups and downs. In some ways, it reminds me a bit of Thelma & Lousie.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Christiana Hinojosa

I enjoyed the book but can't finish it. Please update the rest of the book here.

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