A Math teacher’s tale

This strange feeling inside... Von:
User: murderess
A Math teacher’s tale
Paranormal poetry...
A school deep in the woods...
A Math teacher who had no one...
An angry queen...
An escape...
A strange beautiful woman...
And a mystical night...

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
angamonkey vor ca. 12 Jahren bearbeitet

since you worked very hard on this poem, I came back for a vote. Good luck :)

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Wichtiger Beitrag
J.C. Laird vor ca. 12 Jahren bearbeitet

I'm not a poetry expert, nor do I have an easy time reading it; I have to go slow to make sure I understand and catch the nuances.

Still and all, I have a suspicion that you're pretty good at this. Nicely done, an imaginative subject. Keep up the good work.

Wichtiger Beitrag
Vigilant_One vor ca. 12 Jahren bearbeitet

You started out with math, it seemed just to get it out of the way, then you went back to your old machinations. Stuff like love, and fantasy, then you tied the math back in a meaningful way that astounded me! I hope your math teacher liked it. If he didn't, he must not be a fan of good art! Maybe for a math teacher that wouldn't be surprising.

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Wichtiger Beitrag
angamonkey vor ca. 12 Jahren bearbeitet

Overall I really liked that you thought outside of the box and wrote and epic poem about a math teacher :) It was delightful. My only suggestions is that on the first page the line "Not all could determine why math they had to learn".
I had to read it several times to understand what you meant by it. Perhaps you could rephrase it a bit, especially since the word determine means "to cause something in a particular way" or "to... mehr anzeigen

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Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User vor ca. 12 Jahren bearbeitet

All I can say, is that I enjoyed reading it. Your words evoked emotion.

On page 7 change malady to Milady.
malady is a chronic disease.

She wanted be burned: take off be and write me.
She wanted me burned.

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