In her shell

User: inselkind
In her shell
After those nights abused in her uncle's basement, she closed down her body. Through all her life, she had been able to love, but after the basement love never worked physically, any more. Love turned out to be a spiritual delight like a poets' work dedicated to a lady he would never have.

Her well ordered world turned upside down when she met Steven

love, fear, trust
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moremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremormoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremoremore pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease

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Your book is has an amazing start! Even though like you said in the beginning you English isn't the greatest but I still love it! Please let me know whenever you update your book.

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Your english may be a little awkward But you write with feeling. You understand the situation the woman is in and why she feels the way she does and make the reader feel it too.

I liked it very much.


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I really love this book.

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i want to read this whole book............ please tell me where i ll get this book

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