Kudzu Monsters - Eunice and Toonis

From the Tales of Crippletoe Creek Series Von:
User: toonisj
Kudzu Monsters - Eunice and Toonis
A look back at Simpler Days Growing up in the Hills of Georgia.

Dieses Buch ist Teil der Reihe "Tales of Crippletoe Creek"
Alle Bücher dieser Reihe:
Kudzu Monsters - Eunice and Toonis
From the Tales of Crippletoe Creek Series
"TATER" - Eunice and Toonis
From the Tales of Crippletoe Creek Series
From the Tales of Crippletoe Creek Series
Traffic Jam
From the Tales of Crippletoe Creek Series
From the Tales of Crippletoe Creek Series
Kudzu, Georgia, Eunice, Toonis, South, Humor
Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

What a read! I enjoyed this humorous story so much that I am hoping for more chapters. There is nothing more sweet or satisfying as a down home story that we can all relate to. Bravo David and Annette! KAB-R

Wichtiger Beitrag

I Have to Thank Annette for this fun project She and I Have had cooked up this past year. I Do Hope before everybody dismisses it completely that they understand this is NOT easy!!!! This is just One of Several stories that we've come up with and I hope that you find some of it amusing and worth the effort :-)
Please leave your feedback! .... it will make a World of difference as to whether or not I try this some more! :p

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