The Powerful Kingdom - Book 2 (The Revealed Kingdom 3-Book Series)

A Journey in Discovering the Kingdom of God! Von:
The Powerful Kingdom - Book 2 (The Revealed Kingdom 3-Book Series)

I have found sowing seed, thinking it was good ground and hoping for a return is not what the Kingdom is, but pressing in, waiting, listening and growing in my relationship with the Holy Spirit and being obedient to His prompting has revealed the reality of The Kingdom, which is within me.  Within these pages, Mark has managed to coerce the reader to delve deeper into their relationship with the Father to find the lustrous pearl, and compel you, the purchaser to sell everything to possess it.  The writings expose the gap between the child-like faith illustration Jesus used of the Kingdom of heaven belonging to children, to the reality in adulthood of what it entails and the availability as Jesus taught in His Prayer.  The challenge has been to understand again that it is in seeking first His Kingdom and His Righteousness, which reveals the ultimate Pearl of Great Worth – Jesus Christ and His Kingdom.

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