Unraveling Nicolai

The Nicolai Chronicles, Book 6 Von:
Unraveling Nicolai

It's the final countdown for Reese and his family. Eilief is dead, Soren is the new vampire king, Louis is finally with someone who truly makes him happy, Marina is pregnant with triplets, Sarah is about to give birth, and the issues with the Council are a distant concern. But soon other problems arise: like Marie, the indestructible vampire child with the ability to create and manipulate fire with the insane mind, Rosita, a vampire sorceress capable of destroying their entire family with her charms and power, Alana, who survived the cabin in the woods, an unknown murderer, putting Denmark at the top in regards to the murder capita per country, and through it all, Reese is so inwardly focused that he barely notices his own recently-discovered brother and his family problems. Sarah herself is about to go over the edge due to the stress. 

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