A Mountain Top Experience

Top Experience Von:
User: hitalot
A Mountain Top Experience
Family, Fun filled adventure,
Perfect for the entire family..,

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The text illustrates a unique read, "A Mountain Top Experience",
Very appreciative that I wrote the short story in 1991;
Started it in 1989,
Now I look back and I'm very happy that I wrote the story !

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This short story illustrates the ups and downs in a life of faith/
Many are reluctant to just jump ship,
Yet if you stick it out till the end,
The rewards will be amazing and out of this world !

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Thank you for participating in our
fiction writing contest "My Best Fiction".

BookRix - your place to read, write and
network free literature on the Internet.

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Enjoyed. Voted. and Kept...Paula

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A tale I enjoyed reading and probably inspirational to you in the writing.I like the introduction of poems,to sooth the savage breast . Well done you've arrived at a family story. Mine own one is 'Adios' if you care to read. Funny thing I've been asked to write about m childhood by a film director. So far I've kept clear but now I'm wondering. If you hadn't written our story it would all be lost to the world.
Good luck and you have my vote.

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You have put a personal touch on your kindness;

Personally thank you for giving me a chance at which to portray my work
In a firm believer that faith will evoke,
In timeless years captivated with a storm
In radiant seasons to help calm its plausible norm

In sweet dreams filled... mehr anzeigen

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Well done with just one spelling error but not overpowering your story. You got me to think. In this way your message succeeded. That alone,was what made this a winner./Joe Vote given

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