What is love to me?

What made me this way? Von:
What is love to me?

This is what i feel about love. What do you think about love? commite on this and say what you think! Things happeneds to me and i dont think im a normal person at all.

what made me this way
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Shion Arkenevis

I must admit its an Interesing concept......I don't consider myself as an expert on this matter ......
But to me Love is strength.....
Something that gives us a reason to move on.....It is not that this love has to be for a person....it can be for anything....Something one is passionate about...As for myself....
I am passionate about art....my love for art has infact helped me in my hard times.....It gave me a reason to live...
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4 Kommentare
Alex goth queen

yeah thanks

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You may talk of love at length and all will be not valid enough. It may cause both pain and joy - it may make happy or unhappy. But its absense is worse than its presence.

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Ingeborg Kazek

Don't care what people think about you. It is not important. They are not, what they seem to be. They pretend to be happy, beautiful and successful, but they are not. At home they look in the mirror and are not satisfied. Most people do not care, how you feel. They just want something from you, they want to use you for some purpose. They even want to use you for hiding their own mistakes by criticizing you. Most of them are... mehr anzeigen

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You know, you could combine these two and make one amazing book - since they both have the theme of bullying and needing the simple beauty of love, together they could become dynamic. You don't have to, of course, but it's something to consider.

Alex goth queen

well no but my last name is. I'm from Russian but im aboupted


Awesome! So am I! My real nationality is Welsh and English, but my adoptive mom was Ukranian and my adoptive dad was Irish and English. I actually studied the Russian language in college for one semester, but that was so long ago I've forgotten almost everything except how to... mehr anzeigen

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