My Secret Love Affair With Marilyn Monroe

My Secret Love Affair With Marilyn Monroe

As a teenager, Marc discovers in one of his dad's desk drawers a Playboy magazine collection. One of the issues had Marilyn Monroe on the cover. As Marc opens the issue he feels like hit by thunder seeing Marilyn Monroe's full blown nude on the centerfold spread. He convinces his dad to give him a six feet poster of Marilyn's nude as a Christmas present, much to the chagrin of his mother. That is how Marc's love and passion for Marilyn begins.. Whenever he falls in love with a girl he always find out that in some aspects she resembles Marilyn. From one of his first teenage loves, Kimberly, he seems to realize by looking at her vagina, how Marilyn’s vagina might have looked like. After high school graduation his father decides to send him to Harvard to become a psychologist and cure himself of “Marilyn fetish”. A girl, Claire is trying to win Marc’s sexual interest to no avail. Marc is telling her that he has a girlfriend. “What’s the difference between your girlfriend and me?” “Her hair is platinum blond” Mark says to which Clair retort with a profanity. Next day though she dyes her hair platinum blond. She looks now as a copy of Marilyn. Once home for the summer vacation and meets a middle age and beautiful woman, Therese, with whom he has a hot but short affair. Marc’s love for Marilyn Monroe raises to a different level. He “sees” Marilyn responding to his desire by moving her lips or her body in her poster and even exiting the poster to meet Marc’s desires. The new school year start and with it Marc finds a new lover, Amy. Both of them are planning their life together. They barely live together for three months when tragedy strikes: Marc’s dad dies of a heart attack. Marc decide to interrupt his studies and stay home with his mom. Meanwhile a TV channel broadcast news that Marilyn’s ghost was seen in Los Angeles area. Marc goes to Pasadena to interview the witnesses of the event and also goes to see the place where Marilyn “appeared”. His attempts to make her appear again fail. Taking advantage of the event Christies puts on sail some of Marilyn’s personal things. Marc succeeds to buy her dress, her bra and her earrings. Those intimate objects mean to Marc “ecstasy”. After a couple of months of mourning for his dad Marc decide to put some order in his dad’s stuff. He discovers in a drawer an invitation to a strip club. That invitation would be the source of a lifelong mess in Marc’s life. On one hand he begins recording interviews with strippers from a book On the other hand his obsessive need to be part of the strip clubs life and his sexual addiction to strippers almost destroy him. The only way he feels living is by bringing strippers home and have sex. The ambiguous color of art and sex of a strip club spread over hundred pages of “recordings”. Eventually Marc marries a stripper, Lily. “It’s like marrying his vice. Marc’s jealousy and Lily’s organic need to expose herself naked in front of a crowd of men interrupts their marriage.

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