Philosophy Von:

We live into the world of materialism and where we want to live in peace and happiness but somehow with the beautiful faces we live under the serious miseries of life and we often try to find the mystery behind it. Our main purpose of life is to become consious about the reason of our existence and the main purpose for being in this world. This book is especially written for those people who are much curious to know the natural mystreries of soul and its abilities.

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag

I like this. So direct and precise. Like, saying a lot without making it bulky.

I love the style of writing, it captures the subject matter instantly as well as my attention.


3 Kommentare
Marvin singh

Thank you very much for the feedback and i really appreciate your interest :)

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Gelöschter User

This book is great.

2 Kommentare
Marvin singh

Thank you very much

Gelöschter User

Your welcome.

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