San Jose, Costa Rica
Only in America could an industry funded lobby group with 5 million lobby
group hold 350 million people hostage in a life and death matter. That
politicians have allowed themselves to be bought and paid for by the NRA and
that the definition of a ""well regulated militia"" has been so bastardized as
to mean ""god given right to guns for all"" would be inconceivable any where
else in the free world. And yet it... mehr anzeigen
San Jose, Costa Rica
Only in America could an industry funded lobby group with 5 million lobby
group hold 350 million people hostage in a life and death matter. That
politicians have allowed themselves to be bought and paid for by the NRA and
that the definition of a ""well regulated militia"" has been so bastardized as
to mean ""god given right to guns for all"" would be inconceivable any where
else in the free world. And yet it has to be the voice of (easily dismissed)
teenagers to speak truth to power? Really? It's way beyond time for those who
hate America's gun violence to coalesce behind #NeverAgain because anyone
could become #AmINext.