
Mystery Von:
Raven Has a mystery to figure out along with the help of her, bestfriend, McKenzie, A ghost who was murdered, Raven must figured out why They murdered her and who they are, while facing her own problems in life.

Ghost, Emo, Murderer
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Amherst, Ny

Martin Shkreli made a bunch of investors and hedge fund types really mad,
broke the law, and now he's going to jail. Heather Bresch, not so bright
daughter of Joe Manchin D-WV, with her bogus MBA, pulled off a pharmaceutical
deal similar to one of Marty's. Hiked the price of a life-saving drug used by
millions from $12 bucks to $600! Cost the gov't and insurers and patients
millions. Maybe some people died because they... mehr anzeigen

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