
The End Von:
Cameron and his friend Seth are trying to unveil the mysteries as to why the world is the way it is. Earth no longer has its high buildings and booming factories, it has now been reduced to a pile of rubble forcing technology back into the medieval age. But one day, with the discovery of a mysterious journal hidden in a time capsule deep within the mines, it suggests that Earth hasn't always been this way. Will Cameron and Seth be able to discover how the world was before the Devastation? Or will other means force them to the brink of danger....Maybe even death

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(●⁰౪⁰●) ︀➸ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?_ebook-m-jade-glock-obliterated

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I haven't read it yet but this book if you finish it could become a best seller. Also love the title.

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(●⁰౪⁰●) ︀➸ WWW.FANTAZM.ONLINE?arcane.weilder_1331715493.1391210556

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You left this hanging with so many unanswered questions, I do hope you're going to write more to it. The first two 'Cameron' need a period or comma or exclamation mark. A very short start, but the tension could be cut by a knife.

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