Come Back To Me

Come Back To Me
Aracane is missing her prince, Nealan. Both are warriors of the realm, but when foreign races of other lands plan to attack the kingdom Nealan is called to the front. Aracane is left behind to protect the kingdom while the man she loves is away at war. Wishing she was fighting by his side instead of being behind the walls of Fornhagen she is heartsick. Will her roiling emotions consume her being? Or can she be satiated by a long time friend?

Beiträge und Kommentare
Wichtiger Beitrag
Gelöschter User

You managed to grasp and show us her emotions well. It does need some editing, but it's a beautiful read and as alsam said, could be developed further.

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Wichtiger Beitrag
J.C. Laird

Descriptive and a tantalizing glimpse into a much longer story/saga. A small part of an obviously much larger picture.

Wichtiger Beitrag

This was a nice piece. And though I don't understand the background, it made me feel as if I had lost someone as well. I could feel the emotions of Aracane as she fell apart and began doubting herself.

And I love Ranger. He's like an old grandfather who knows just what to say and cares deeply for his granddaughter.

In the end, this was a heart warming piece. Very well done :)

Great job!
Keep writing!


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